A vampire in search of a cure for the Curse of the Blue Moon, and a human in possession of its name and powerful tome...

Welcome to Till Death do us Part, the shrine site and upcoming fanlisting of the pairing Vanoe (Vanitas x Noé Archaviste) from The Case Study of Vanitas, created by Jun Mochizuki. I created this fansite on Febuary 24th, 2022 to show my love for this pairing, as these two are the perfect protag duo ♥ Please use the top menu to navigate through the site.... and if you love this duo as much as I do, why don't you join us?

“What you do in this world is a matter of no consequence. The question is what can you make people believe you have done.” -Herlock Sholmes



What's a fanlisting?

A fanlisting is an online list of fans, bringing those who like the same things together! Whether it be email penpals or social media mutuals, if you enjoy Vanoe, please join the listing to show your support for the pairing!

DISCLAIMER: Till Death do us Part is a fansite created by Jam to celebrate The Case Study of Vanitas & characters created by Jun Mochizuki. This fansite is in no way official or affiliated with Jun Mochizuki or Square Enix, and is meant for fan purposes only. By entering this site you are agreeing to my site's disclaimer. No copyright infringement is intended.