What is the "Meme" you Made?

Back in 2010, I was a really bored highschool student obsessed with awesome face & other memes at the time. I was also obsessed with wallpapers, posting anime lyric wallpapers to deviantart. Combine these two interests together and you get a tumblr blog I made one day called "loltumblrwallpapers" I made one of Disco Pogo, Awesome Face, and the Troll face.

While making one of these wallpapers, My friend was constantly texting me trying to bug me. I dont remmeber what for, I think it was for a school project? I know one of her txts was I'M TXTNG U, Y U NO TXT ME BACK!? (We still had T9 phones back then, so we trunicated words for txt speek) and it sent me into hysterics. So as a joke I took that, an image of a little dude I got off tumblr? 4chan? and made here a meme wallpaper as a joke.

I showed it to her after I posted it, we laughed, and I called it a day to spend time w my partner on MSN messenger at the time before more school.

That singular post made over 7,000 notes overnight (which was a LOT back in 2010 tumblr), and by the end of the week it had its own Meme Generator with the background changed to "tumblr blue". It was a slow burn to becoming viral after that, and now its noted as a Rage Face. which made me so happy as a high schooler but so confused why my own art wouldn't get big like that.

There were so many people who requested I make shirts of him. There were ads of this dude all over. There were signs of him used in the Libya protests, which I WISH I still had a copy of the photo but this was 2010-2011 tumblr, I didn't really think of saving things yet, just reblogging them.

The reason i didn't do anything with it is because I Didnt Want To Get Sued By The Gantz Mangaka (thats the Face on the head).

And then my tumblr got banned in 2013 cause I refused to change the url. And since back then there was no way to archive tumblr blogs, everything I had imploded lol so yeah.

I'm just glad I made the KnowYourMeme page as early as I did -w-

Page last updated February 28, 2024.